You’ve waited a long time for this – celebrating the holidays with your staff. With some employees returning to the office, and safety protocols in place, it’s time to share some cheer and reflect on the challenging year.
However, like any party, they can be messy as any junk removal company can tell you. You don’t realize how much gift-wrapping ends up on the floor if you’re doing a gift exchange, not to mention any packaging the gifts come in. And that doesn’t include the mess leftover from serving food and beverages.
In short, while the holiday party itself is super fun, it can also leave a super mess. At this point there’s a lot of cleanup to do, and junk pickup in Toronto can be a valuable ally to get your office back to regular business in a hurry!
Make Sure Everything is Disposable
If you’re using office utensils and plates, then you’re going to have a lot of manual dishwashing on your hands unless your office is equipped with a dishwasher. The easiest way to clear items after a holiday party is by disposing of them quickly with help from a junk removal service.
That includes disposable plates and utensils from the food that you’ve ordered in to feed everyone, as well as any table linens. There’s bound to be some spills and stains from partying, and a disposable, inexpensive table covering is an easy way to protect office furniture while also providing a way to gather items up quickly.
Don’t forget the decorations! That also includes any streamers, balloons, and other decorations that you’ve bought specially to mark the occasion. A responsible Toronto junk pickup company will know what can be recycled to prevent some of it from ending up in the landfill.
Keep Your Party Contained
There are a couple of other things you can do to cut down on mess after a party, and make it easier to clear out garbage the next day. One way is to choose a designated area of the office to host the party ahead of time, as long as it follows safety protocols and allows people to move around easily.
If the weather is still decent out (meaning not below zero with a blizzard on the forecast), then you could even consider hosting the party outside – or at least encouraging some people to use the outdoor space instead of cramming together indoors.
This way, junk removal near me can more easily gather up all of the items that need to go. In the meantime, you can still do business in other parts of the office that weren’t part of the party floor plan!
If you really don’t have adequate space in your office for a holiday party, then you might want to consider hosting the event off-site. However, keep in mind that many rental agreements may specify that you’re still responsible for cleanup – so make sure you’re still following the same tips along with partnering with junk pickup in Toronto.
Have Designated Trash Containers
Instead of sorting through the mess after the fact, you can encourage your staff to toss items into the appropriate waste bins during the bash. That means providing both trash and recycling bins in easily accessible areas (inside and outside) so you’re not picking party items off the floor or from random shelves when it’s time to get back to business!
A junk removal company can easily remove all of the trash, as well as ensure that any materials that can be salvaged will be. Use signage if you have to direct staff attention to where they should be discarding any used plates or cutlery, as well as paper party hats or other party accessories.
Have a Dedicated Committee
You probably had assembled a team to help plan out the holiday party, which is an efficient way to ensure everyone’s suggestions are considered. It also gives staff more of a feeling of ownership over the celebration.
But while you have a team to plan, you should also have a team that ensures all of the leftover items have ended up in the correct places. That way, no one person is tasked with doing a cleanup before the Toronto junk pickup company can remove it all. The cleanup committee might also be able to identify items such as banners that can be wrapped up and used again at next year’s party!
Learn more about how looking up junk removal near me can save you a big headache following a holiday party, so you and your team can focus on enjoying the event from 1-800-Rid-Of-It – and save 10% off outdoor junk removal.