Managing waste when you’re in the construction or demolition industry is a job unto itself. Based on info from Statistics Canada, more than 3.2 million tonnes of waste was produced in the Demolition, Land-Clearing and Construction (DLC) sector in a given year. Included in these materials are wood, plastic, glass, and other materials that ends up in a landfill (or incinerated.)
When you’re focused on building a project, sometimes the waste can build up quicker than your team can handle. That’s why it’s important to have a construction waste disposal partner not only to keep your work area managed, but also to less the impact on the environment.
Handling it all can be made easier by having a plan in advance, and using construction debris removal companies that have experience managing this type of waste.
Other than looking up construction waste removal near me, here are some tips to follow when developing your waste management strategy:
Order Only What You’ll Need
One of the pitfalls when starting a project is over-ordering materials for the job. This is a waste of money, not to mention a risk for more waste at the end.
By taking the time to more accurately calculate what you’ll need, and what is most likely to be waste , you can streamline the process with help from construction waste disposal.
Choose Recyclable Materials
When you’re decided how much of each material you’ll need, try focusing on procuring recyclable products (whether it’s glass, metal, plastic, or wood) that can be processed by local waste transfer stations. Even some asphalt shingles and concrete can be recycled, the latter often used as aggregate.
This way you’ll have the peace of mind knowing the excess materials are less likely to end up in a landfill. Work with suppliers that support your goal to reduce waste.
Salvage Reusable Items
When you’re left with construction debris, it pays to carefully disassemble and sort it to identify any materials you can use again. For example, there could be wood from framing that you can salvage, and even high-quality bricks can be saved in some cases – or even sold. The rest can be hauled away by construction debris removal services.
Reduce Overall Packaging
When you’re shopping for materials, aside from finding ones that are recyclable, also choose those that come with minimal packaging. A lot of excess cardboard and plastic wrap means you’ll have more to deal with at the end, which can be made easier thanks to construction waste removal near me.
Learn more about how construction debris removal can help you manage your construction waste from 1-800-Rid-Of-It, and how to save 10% off your bill with outdoor pickups.