Do you plan to start the New Year with a much less cluttered office? Or perhaps you’re actually moving locations, and don’t want to bring all of the old furniture and other items with you? It’s time for professional old furniture disposal.
Furniture that is outdated or not ergonomically sound can go out the door. But getting it there can be a challenge both physically and in terms of time, which is why furniture disposal in Toronto can make life easier by doing the heavy lifting for you.
Give Furniture a Second Life
When you choose furniture removal in Toronto, you can feel better about your choices to achieve your goals. Why? Many companies that offer Toronto furniture disposal also recycle a large percentage of what they collect. Also, in some cases the junk company can actually donate the usable items to groups that could use them.
Move More Than Just Furniture
Aside from purging unwanted furniture, there are other items that you can consider tossing through furniture disposal in Toronto that aren’t an easy task on your own.
Perhaps there are broken/outdated appliances such as a fridge stuffed in the corner of the office kitchen. In this case, there could be some liability in trying to assign your staff to lift it out of the building. Companies that specialize in old furniture removal are trained to handle heavy objects to avoid damaging the premises (and also carry adequate insurance.)
Start The New Year Clutter-Free
There’s a lot to be said for making a new/cleaner office your New Year’s priority. Studies have shown that a cluttered space can negatively impact stress levels, while potentially also losing productivity in the process. It’s also not easy to find important tools and documents under a sea of junk!
Purging junk from the office or moving to a more suitable location is a great way to set the tone for the coming year! Your staff and clients will appreciate being in a safer, cleaner, better-organized space.
While you and your staff can take measures to keep clutter from piling up again – such as coming up with more efficient storage solutions – you should invest in old furniture removal to free up some needed floor space.
Learn more about the benefits of having furniture disposal in Toronto on your team from 1-800-Rid-Of-It, and save 10% off outdoor pickups.