Furniture is a necessity in a living space or office environment. It can add a lot of function, not to mention some style to the room. However, there are times when you’re going to want to order furniture removal in Toronto to get rid of some of it.
There could be a few reasons why you’d want to purge some of your furniture. Perhaps you’ve ordered newer, more ergonomic chairs and desks for the workplace. Or perhaps you have old furniture in your home that’s looking worn or no longer fits in with your decor.
You can free up a lot of floor space with the help of furniture removal services in Toronto, but there are a few things you can do first to help prepare.
Make a List of Items
First thing’s first – you have to know what you have before you can decide what to keep and what to get rid of. One way to do this is by performing a furniture inventory in each room of your house, include outdoor spaces like the garage or the shed.
Once you’ve got this list completed, you can easily review it and decide what can stay, what might still have some resale value (if it’s an antique, for example), and what can go with Mississauga furniture removal.
Make Sure You Can Move The Items
For the items that will be hauled away by furniture removal in Toronto or sold, you need to know if they will actually fit through doorways. Some pieces may have been assembled after they were brought into a space, meaning they will have to be disassembled if you want to be able to get it outside. You don’t want to discover this the moment the crew shows up.
Be sure to measure some of the larger pieces if you’re in doubt, and then measure the doorway. Some minimal disassembly might be in order if it’s a tight squeeze. On the same note, some furniture is so heavy that you should definitely let trained furniture removal services in Toronto handle it to avoid strain and potential damage.
Make an Appointment With The Pros
You’ll want to ensure you know which day the older furniture will be taken away, especially if you have ordered new furniture and need to make space for it. You probably don’t want a pick-up from furniture removal in Mississauga and new furniture arriving the same day for logistical reasons.
While many companies that handle furniture removal in Toronto offer same-day service, you should call ahead to make sure the crew is available when you need them. They can also give you a more accurate quote when they arrive and see your list of items that needs to go.
Another bonus of using Toronto furniture removal services is that they will often recycle the furniture if possible. Better yet, some companies maintain lists for donating furniture that’s still in good shape, to give it a new home! This is a win for the environment and for the recipient.
Learn more about easily purging unwanted furniture from 1-800-Rid-Of-It, and how to save 10% off your pickup.