When searching for a company that offers excellent services for junk removal in Thornhill, most people focus primarily on overall quality and price. While both of those are key deciding factors for you to determine which company to hire, there is another consideration. Especially if you do your part in protecting the planet, you also want to select a company that provides eco-friendly services.
Whether you need assistance having a residential or commercial property cleaned up, there are tremendous benefits of going with a Thornhill junk removal company that shares your values. Do something good for the planet by hiring an eco-friendly company to haul away junk. Among the long list of benefits, the following are just a few worth considering.
Professional Sorting – Professional companies have sorting facilities with trained staff. Following strict policies established by both company and the government policies, the team carefully and accurately sorts everything hauled away from the customer’s home or business, ensuring items go to the correct location. By doing so, the company can separate junk that can be recycled while taking hazardous materials to a certified dumping station.
Recycling Capabilities – With recycling as a part of its junk removal services in Thornhill, the right company helps not-for-profit and charitable organizations. As a perfect example, for old furniture you want to have hauled away to make room for new pieces, instead of just tossing it out, experts will take it a place where volunteers either make repairs or clean it up. When they are finished, the organization either donates the furniture or sells it to people in need for a nominal price.
Repurposed Greenery – Included in the services for junk removal in Thornhill from a respected company, it has a team that clears properties of yard dirt. However, rather than toss out dead leaves, tree branches, pruned shrubbery, dead flowers and plants from the garden, tree stumps, and other materials removed from your property, it takes them to another business to use for things like compost and fertilizer.
Hiring a junk removal company that takes eco-friendly action is the best way to go. Along with having yard dirt and various items removed from your home or business, you have peace of mind knowing the planet has become a little healthier. Every good deed that individuals and businesses do to clean up the environment helps.
Environmentally Friendly Solutions
At 1800-Rid-of-It, we do everything humanly possible to reuse and recycle junk removed from customers’ homes and businesses. At the same time, we guarantee outstanding service at an affordable price. Contact us today to eliminate unwanted or unused items from your property. For the best Thornhill junk removal services, we would love the opportunity to help. If preferred, we can send a company representative to talk to you about the various services we provide and the steps we take to follow an eco-friendly process.